I am a writer
The first question asked of any would-be writer is “oh, what have you had published?” or “do you have a publisher?”
‘Becoming a writer’ is now synonymous with being published, being successful and making a living from writing. You can’t call yourself a writer – least of all an author – without having gone through these stages.
For my money we’re missing something here.
Let’s backtrack. I’ve had a business book published from which I gained royalties and got asked to speak at conferences, attend panel discussions and so on. I’ve had dozens of articles published in newspapers and magazines, both trade publications and the nationals. Hell, I’ve even had one of my features used in an Open University course!
Did that make me a writer? Not in my eyes, it didn’t, though it was how I made my living. For me, that simply didn’t count.
Here, in my chosen world of science fiction/fantasy, I am starting from scratch.
I’ve got nothing out there, yet – watch this space – but that in itself doesn’t make me a not-writer, any more than having published and paid-for books and pieces made me a writer back in the day. I am writing, every day. My intent is to write full-time if I am able.
Writing is more than being published. It is more than being recognised as a writer.
Rather, I it is in the blood. I find it easy, even joyous, to write.
And being a writer, I see now, is a precursor to being a Writer, someone noted for their writing.
Once I’d completed my novel in June this year and not wanting to lose momentum when it was out for edit, I set myself the task of writing 30 short stories in 30 days.
I always hated writing short stories but loved this task. I managed 12 completed stories in the time period, ranging from 850 words to over 4,200. I’m now working up one of them into a novella which will form the centrepiece of the collection.
So yes, I am happy to call myself a writer. But only since I allowed myself to believe that I am.