My Books

The Colossus of the Thames

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The Colossus of the Thames

‘The Colossus of the Thames & Other Tales’ is my first published work, out on Amazon and other good online retailers, available as an ebook or print-on-demand paperback.

‘Colossus...’ centres on the Third Age of the British Empire, a vast power headed by the mysterious Queen Alexandrina Victoria. The twelve tales explore various aspects of life in an alternate Victorian world where time is a commodity and horrors lurk under the veneer of advanced technology.

One Amazon reviewer calls it “a fabulous collection of short stories, thoroughly recommended for fans of steampunk, but also for anyone with a liking for quirky fiction. The tales are laced with a dry, dark wit and Lovecraftian undercurrents”.

Another says it is “a treasure trove of delightful short stories...sometimes whimsical, sometimes dark, always clever”.



The year is 1867 and the war in the Crimea is not going well for the British. Food is scarce, disease rife and supplies are short. The front line could collapse any day, spelling doom for the 12,000 men the Empire has committed to this distant war.

Captain James Thurston Vandermeer is pulled from the trenches to find out why supplies are not reaching the front. His superior, General Ross, is convinced it is the fault of the Engine at Inkerman, the most expensive piece of military technology ever made.

Vandermeer must travel to Inkerman and investigate, but nothing can prepare him for what he will find...

‘Inkerman’ is a short novella, to be published as an Amazon ebook for purchase and loan in April 2021.


‘Typhon’ - Book One

The year is 2085, the world in chaos, rocked by disasters and societal collapse, in thrall to secretive multinational corporations, while the double edged sword of technology swings this way and that.

Humanity is united in only one endeavour, Earth’s first deep space mission. But the Hermes project is happening too quickly, too perfectly and one woman holds all the answers - if only she realises it.

As she and her friends are drawn into a bitter, centuries-old conflict between shadowy opposing forces, they begin to realise that the path they choose will determine the future of everything.

Coming soon