
Lindsay Ellis

Movie critic par excellence. Her video essays – including such gems as ‘Woke Disney’, ‘Death of the Author’ and ‘Mel Brooks, The Producers and the Ethics of Satire about N@zis’ – are works of art. And her debut novel – ‘Axiom’s End’ is out now.

Lindsay also hosts ‘It’s Lit’ on the PBS literature channel Storied, short, literature-based videos ranging from ‘The Constructed Languages of JRR Tolkien’ to ‘War and Peace and Everything Else’. Well worth checking out.

See her YouTube Page.

Jericho Writers

Is a great UK-based writer channel focusing not just on how to write, but on the commercial aspects of the craft, from self-publishing to how to attract an agent.

See their YouTube page.



Is a genre (science fiction/fantasy) channel covering all aspects of writing from structure to grammar and how to write great commercial fiction.

iWriterly’s YouTube page

Alexa Donne

Is a compelling YouTuber with some pointed – occasionally blistering! – advice on all aspects of writing.

Alexa Donne’s YouTube page


Other YouTube faves

Looper (for movie geeks)

Pindex (narrated by Stephen Fry)

Rantasmo (movies from an LGBT perspective)


Curious Droid (space, technology, discovery

EckhartsLadder (science fiction TV and movies)

The School of Life (de Botton’s guide to life)


Radio Retrofuture This YouTube channel is a treasure trove of cool stuff on steampunk, speculative fiction and other kinds of retrofuturism (dieselpunk, atompunk etc)

The Steampunk Explorer Cool site for steampunk enthusiasts with a comprehensive weekly newsletter.

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The Steampunk Almanac A great site from the redoubtable Atticus Oldman (based in Edinburgh) who I’m going to be doing some work with going forward.